“These are the stocks you need to buy BEFORE the FED cut rates on September 18 for a chance to reap the biggest rewards.”

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Move today to have the chance to outperform in the post-interest rate cut rollercoaster market.

I want to be by your side when the Fed cuts rates on September 18 and beyond that.

Try my service, see all the trades I recommend, and if you don’t love it, get your money back!

There’s absolutely no risk.

All that's left is for you to choose your preferred membership option.

Let’s work together to build your wealth before the next Fed meeting.

Join the Reitmeister Total Return service today and take control of your financial future!

All information is encrypted and transmitted using a Secure Sockets Layer protocol.

40-year market Veteran’s Urgent Warning: 

Special Warranty:
Try it risk Free for 90 days.

Hi, Steve Reitmeister here, CEO of StockNews.com.

Thank you for watching my presentation.

As you saw, the markets are going bonkers and the September 18 Fed rate cut is not even here yet.

This is a pivotal moment, and I want to help you seize the opportunity…

And help you outperform the markets regardless of its direction….

No matter how uncertain it is.

Imagine navigating this turbulent market with confidence and precision…

Guided by a portfolio strategy that’s already beating the market this year:

• +9.86% S&P 500

• +1.84% Russell 2000

• +11.14% Reitmeister Total Return portfolio


I blend growth, value and momentum attributes to find stocks most likely to outperform.

However, it is important to note that I will also apply appropriate market timing strategies (because when the bear comes out to play, shorting stocks is the best route to profits).

That certainly worked in 2021, with my portfolio powering ahead by +31.61% against 26% of the S&P 500.

And I properly sounded the bear alarm to the benefit of my readers on more than one occasion...

For example, during the darkest days of the Coronavirus Bear Market when the S&P 500 fell by a shocking -14.97%, my portfolio actually gained +5.13% (March 16-20, 2020).

And once again as the bear market roared in 2022 my subscribers enjoyed a welcome +6.95% gain as stocks sank into the finish line (8/15/22 to 12/31/22).

Between a soft landing and a recession,
in 2024 we are winning again…

On July 22, I warned my readers about downsides coming to the market…

Leading me to short the market with TZA (3X inverse ETF of the small caps).

That trade went up by 20% in just two weeks!

I said watch out...

And this is how to profit on it...

And 2 weeks later my subscriber had the chance to make money as the market tumbled.

How is that possible?

Because I employed a unique portfolio strategy…

Blending stocks and inverse ETFs that rallied while the stock market tanked.

I track the market using my POWR ratings system which utilizes 118 different factors to analyze each stock and uncover potential for outperformance.

This powerful tool goes through 5,300 stocks from 124 different industries in a matter of seconds…

With the ability to swiftly identify stocks likely to outperform, requiring minimal effort.

But it’s not just about advanced technology.

With my 40 years of market experience and a legacy of insightful commentary featured on leading investment websites like Yahoo Finance, SeekingAlpha, CNNMoney, and MarketWatch…

I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise directly to you.

New Portfolio Additions

It all starts with…

You have access to my full portfolio of stocks and ETFs.

But this is not a long and complicated portfolio.

It consists of just between 7 to 12 positions inside the portfolio at most times.

Stocks will be our primary investment vehicle.

However, as part of our “Total Return” theme we want to take advantage of other opportunities where all the creative ETF options will be the right call.

Full portfolio of selected stocks and ETFs

See details below

Current Portfolio

Join Now

Timely Trade Alerts:
When to Buy & Sell...

Receive messages automatically into your email!

And you can also have them texted to you.

Just enter your mobile phone number on my webpage.

Precise % Allocations:
Easiest way to determine how much money to put in

I  will also provide recommended allocation percentages because some of our favorite holdings are worthy of a larger position.

Sharing this allocation percentage also helps investors of all portfolio sizes know how to apply the recommendations to their situation.

And I also let you know how much cash you should hold on to due to market conditions.

Weekly commentary including in-depth market outlook:
Why do we Buy & Sell

You will receive an email from me with the weekly commentary every Tuesday evening.

And you can read on my website which you have full access to.

That way you will know why I’m adjusting the portfolio.

This will also help you become a better investor understanding the latest market moves.

That’s my ultimate goal, just like some of my subscribers can confirm…

“Reity is someone I've trusted for many years going back to Zacks and look to him to try to get through this mess.” 
- Arthur C.

“Real time communication in time of crises. Honesty about real market risks. Most advisors just say be patient, wait for recovery, selling ruins portfolios, etc, etc and blah blah blah. I say that is BS. Nothing wrong with protecting principal and waiting for a better day. Great job Steve!” 

- David M.

"You were the only guy I came across that made sense to me in regards to the markets and where they're likely to head”. 

- Steve B.

"Many services sound good and don’t work - yours seems to walk the talk" 

- David R.

" Appreciate your time and looking forward to hearing back. Keep up the great work, your guy's services are truly 1 of a kind!" 

- Ryan B.

" I was about to FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) in.  You saved me." 

- Andrew C.

" Your skill and experience are showing through and guiding us all. Thank you for being there and protecting us all" 

- Ralph P.

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For 5 years billed at $1,995

50% Savings!
$660 per year

For 3 years billed at $1,980

$797 per year